Monday, October 15, 2007

Just a bit

Just a bit..............'cuz I have new yarn to play with.

Had a busy weekend. Started with the Anne Arundel Highland Games, with lots of music and heavy athletics (big strong men throwing rocks and tree trunks...... yummy to watch!).

Spent the night with my brother, watching the Sox lose, then went to the Original Pancake House for breakfast.

And then on the the real highlight: Stitches East -- yarn and more yarn. Yes, I bought some. (That was obvious, right?)

Although not as much as might, as I'm planning (if all goes well) to go to Rhinebeck next Sunday for NY Sheep & Wool. Actually more my style, for 2 reasons:
1. I like good yarns but I'm fairly traditional in some ways - I don't really do fun fur or glitter, and lots of the yarns at Stitches seemed to be of the 'how much glitter can we fit in a yard?' I'd rather have plain wool or alpaca in gorgeous colors. I got to meet Lisa Souza - her colors are amazing. And Blue Moon Fiber Arts and Brooks Farm aren't bad, either. [grin]
2. I'm not one for big crowds and loud noise drives me crazy fairly quickly. Stitches East was at the Baltimore Convention Center, indoors - with not great sound baffling. At the outdoor events, along with a selection of yarn that is more my style, the noise is less overwhelming for me - and I find it easier to hide in a corner for a bit to get my bearings back.

So in the future, if Stitches and Rhineback fall so close together, I think I'll likely just go to Rhinebeck.

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