Monday, February 16, 2009

Coming out of hibernation....

Coming out of hibernation....well, almost ;-) Still no there really healthy yet but the cold is almost under control. Beginning to actually feel almost human again. Seems like it's been forever.....

Trying to look at the bright side:

*Worked my way through the Miss Marple DVDs (both series - definitely prefer Joan Hickson as Miss Marple... and the the adaptations that are closer to the books that she starred in!), a couple seasons of ST:DS9, a season of Night Court, and I've just put in Space Cowboys (many thanks to the existence of Netflix for all but the last, which I actually own; surprisingly, it was Mum who bought it....used so it was just barely more than renting it but she bought it......).

*Got a fair bit of mostly mindless knitting (a.k.a. straight stockinette) done. Except for the baby sweater pictured below. A simple pattern, it was a joy to knit ;-)

*And lots of drooling at the Loopy Ewe..... how am I ever going to decide what to use with that wonderful gift certificate?

*Snuggled with the kitty a fair bit..... one advantage to older kitties is they often ignore yarn ;-) while the person whose lap they are occupying knits.

Made it to the post office today -- finally!!!! -- to mail the packages from those who won my blog contest. Gotta love automated postage machines. So those of you I won't see in person should expect boxes in the next few days or so. I hope you like what I sent.


RoamingKnitter said...

Glad to read that you are feeling a bit better. And not just because you made it to the Post Office! LOL Got to give yourself plenty of time to get over it so you don't have any relapses. I've never watched all the dvd's of Miss Marple, always preferred the books. Mother was gifted with the Hercules Poiroit dvds. Here again, I got tired of him in the books, but I watched the dvds with Mother & enjoyed them a lot. We would watch a little of them & a little of Tim Hutton's Nero Wolfe dvds. They were fun.

Jenny Girl said...

Oh my Night Court...hi Mr.Peabody!
The baby sweater is adorable, alloks like a quick knit too.