Sunday, November 26, 2006

If you've ever wondered.....

If you've ever wondered.....what a Camry hit on the driver's door at a good speed by an SUV looks like, wonder no more:

Not pretty. So we are very thankful that Dad's injuries aren't much worse! He's picked up a case of pneumonia, but is on the mend from that and getting very eager to be sprung from the hospital.

We went to Fort Erie for our Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday, as nothing was open here (other than the Greek restaurant where we got Dad gyro but that didn't have vggie selection for Ted), so we ate Chinese looking at the Buffalo skyline.

Friday, we tracked down the car, did some cleaning around the house, met with the realtor, and went to Buffalo's excellent library to do some research, all around visits to ECMC

Yesterday, we were happy to see the front page article in the Buffalo News, telling about ECMC having the best trauma uniut in NYS. Again working around visits to the hospital, we went back to the library for some follow-up research for Seth and we went down to East Aurora to see the pretty houses and go to a nice yarn store (Woolly Lamb). We had supper at a wonderful restaurant that bills itself as an Italian pub -- and is vegetarian-friendly!

I've been getting bits of knitting done, mostly sitting in Dad's hospital room ;-)

1 comment:

Nic said...

That is a smushed car. Glad he is on the mend.