Saturday, April 01, 2006

Flash Your Stash

Today is Flash Your Stash Day, so here goes.......

Note: I didn't bother to photograph what I think of as practical yarns: the acrylics for baby blankets, the Patons Decor for quickie gifts, and so on. I also didn't pull out all the WIPs and bits of leftover yarns from previous projects. Those are all stored in a different place (not visible to husband.......] from the 'regular' stash, so I tend not to think of them as stash. So what I've photographed is probably only about 1/2 the yarn I actually have........which is a really scary thought. If I'm not at the SABLE (stash accumulated beyond life expectancy) point, I'm getting really close.

So, the first step: Clear out the genealogy stash (which takes up about as much time/money/space as knitting) and other stuff from around the stash. Stuff on top is recent additions, not yet integrated into the appropriate container.

Then open each box and see what I actually have:

Arrange on sofa and photograph (in two stages - didn't fit easily all at once).

1 comment:

Rae said...

must keep knitting...need to use up stash...
That is a lot of yarn (I'm jealous)